About Us
Over the past few years, we have seen the benefits of Released Time Programs for schools, students, and churches. We want to help others see this great opportunity that we have before us.

Home church
RisenYouth Ministries began in 2018 out of First Freedom Baptist Church. What started out as a local middle school outreach has expanded into multiple schools in multiple districts.
By God's grace, with your prayers and support, we can continue to establish Released Time Programs in more schools to reach and encourage more students.
Ministry Director
Jason is currently the youth pastor at First Freedom Baptist Church and the director of RisenYouth Ministries. He currently teaches programs in 6 schools and helps local churches start Released Time Programs. He has a wife named Keri, a son named Ezekiel, and a daughter named Priscilla.
"Young people that are not willing to attend church are willing to attend our Released Time Programs."
Jason Urchek, RisenYouth Director

Some of our current programs
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