Reaching Youth
at School
Released Time Programs provide opportunities for students to learn beneficial Bible truths during the school day while maintaining a separation between church and state.
Why Released Time?
Released Time Programs legally allow students to be released during the school day in order to be taught valuable and helpful Biblical truths.
Released Time has been proven to be beneficial to students' mental health, academic performance, and character development.
Why Now?
Now more than ever, our youth are experiencing confusion, addiction, and depression. There is a need for Released Time Bible Programs to encourage and help today's youth. We believe that God is raising up ministries like ours for such a time as this.
Many youth that aren't willing or able to attend church, ARE willing to attend our Released Time Programs.

What are Schools Saying?
"This program has been a great partnership with the school district in addressing student needs."
- Andy Hawkins
Rootstown Local Schools
"The Risen Youth released time lunch program has been a huge benefit to our students and the program is well-organized, too... I firmly believe the RisenYouth released time program has been beneficial for participating students..."
-Susan Blake
Field Middle School
"The character education presented through the Risen Youth Released Time program... has significantly impacted our students' moral development and sense of community. I highly recommend this program for its invaluable contributions to students' holistic growth."
- Justin Christopher
Newton Falls Schools
No Cost. No Class Time.
Bible is taught
We strive to teach the valuable truths found in the Bible in a fun and relevant way.

Lunch is served
The majority of our programs are during the lunch period. We are happy to provide tasty lunches for all!
kids are safe
We strive to provide a healthy, safe, and welcoming environment for all who wish to attend.