Additional Info
and Video page
We created this page to provide additional information to pastors and churches about Released Time Programs and our ministry.
Supporting our ministry gives you the opportunity to...
Will you support this timely ministry to our youth?
Invest in Revival.
We pray for revival, but are we sowing for revival? By supporting this ministry, you are helping sow the precious seed of God's word into the next generation.
Reach a Mission Field.
The public school may be the greatest unreached mission field in our country. Nearly 90% of our youth go to public schools, while very few of them know or care about the gospel.
Help Supply Our Needs.
We have many different financial needs - personal support, media costs, legal support, travel, and more. Will you get behind this timely ministry?
Thank you and God bless!
Jason, Keri, Zeke, and Kiki